We’ve all been kept very busy lately at Dave Barkshire Motorcycle Training, with many riders successfully completing their courses.
Over the Winter months and into Spring, a large number of students have joined the Dave Barkshire Hall of Fame by passing their training courses (with a bit of a celebration). You can read more about them on our DB Training Facebook page where you’ll see our students span a range of ages and backgrounds.
Whether you’re a newbie to motorcycle riding or looking to improve your safety and skills, Dave Barkshire Motorcycle Training can provide you with the right training to pass CBT and DAS courses. You too can join the Dave Barkshire Hall of Fame!
For more information, speak to Dave Barkshire on: 01603 722800, visit the website: www.davebarkshiremotorcycletraining.co.uk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/davebarkshiremctraining
or you can e-mail us at: info@davebarkshire.com