Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Rising To The Challenge

Despite some very challenging weather conditions, another crop of budding motorcycle riders have gained a clutch of certificates at the Dave Barkshire Motorcycle Training Academy over the past month.

A particularly cold and icy day dawned when Luke was due to take his CBT, meaning it was on the verge of being cancelled, but fortunately the sun broke through and success was his. Congratulations Luke!

CBT success was also gained by Antony, Kara, Leo, Craig, Dominic, Nathan and two other Lukes would you believe? We think Luke must be the lucky name of the month! Anne and Kenny also completed their CBT in very wet and cold conditions. Have a great time guys and ride safely.

Craig also had to face somewhat challenging conditions for his Mod 1 test – great result Craig, you actually made it look very easy!

Tony and Carl both completed their CBT training before going on to Mod 1 success despite the weather – can you try and bring better weather with you for your Mod 2 training guys?

Congratulations to James for passing his Mod 2 on the back of successful Mod 1 and CBT completion. Fantastic result James, enjoy your new KTM!

Finally Przemyslaw passed his Mod 2 first time, within weeks of passing his Mod 1 with a clean sheet!

As you can see, we’ve had many successful riders during the past month or so and your name could soon appear here too, if you sign up to Dave Barkshire Motorcycle Training. Just visit or contact us at:
Dave Barkshire Motorcycle Training Academy,
The Old Coal Yard,
Muck Lane, Salhouse,
Norwich, Norfolk,
NR13 6ST
Tel:  01603 722800